Many smokers want to quit, but they just aren’t sure how to go about it. 

Beating tobacco addiction isn’t easy, but there’s never been a better time to stop.

There's lots of free support on offer and by using the support that's right for you, you'll be boosting your chance of quitting. 

You are three times more likely to quit with specialist support and stop smoking medications.

If you have seen a Tobacco Treatment Advisor during your visit to hospital they will create a tobacco addiction treatment plan with you and will arrange for this to continue after you leave hospital. 

This section contains some general advice and sources of information for anyone who wants to stop smoking.

It really is never too late to quit!

The health benefits of stopping smoking start within hours of putting out the last cigarette.

The information above is provided by Public Health England

Quitting methods - what works

Local stop smoking services offer the best chance of success

Combining stop smoking aids with expert behavioural support makes someone 3 times as likely to quite ad using willpower alone

Using a stop smoking medicine prescribed by a GP, pharmacist or other health professional

doubles a person's chances of quitting

Using over-the-counter nicotine replacement such as patches, gum or e-cigarettes

makes it one and a half as likely a person will succeed

Using willpower alone is the least effective method

The information above is provided by Public Health England

Local Stop Smoking Services

There's a free local Stop Smoking Service near you. Developed by experts and ex-smokers, and delivered by professionals, your local Stop Smoking Service provides expert advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good. They offer one-to-one support along with stop smoking medicines. They will give you accurate information and advice, as well as professional support during the first few months of you stopping smoking.

“Thousands of people have quit for good with our help, and studies show you're 3 times as likely to quit successfully if you use a combination of stop smoking medicine and specialist help and support from your local Stop Smoking Service.”

“When asked if they would recommend the service, 9 out of 10 smokers who have used a local Stop Smoking Service say they would.”

All of our South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw community stop smoking services offer free tailored smoking cessation support, including by phone or on line. If you would like support or more information of what they can offer here please visit their websites or give them a call.

Barnsley, Doncaster and Sheffield

Yorkshire Smokefree

Call 0800 612 0011 (free from landlines)
Call 0330 660 1166


Your Health, Your Way

Call 0115 772 2515


Get Healthy Rotherham

Call 01709 718720

Doncaster Under 18s

Project 3 Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service

all 01302 640032


Sheffield Under 18s


Call 0114 270 2040 ​​​​​Email


Smoke Free Yorkshire

Your Health, Your Way

Get Healthy Rotherham


Contact details above

If you are pregnant ask your midwife about the specialist services available to support pregnant women and their partners.